Page 12CHARGING ot_,r_VAM ,s gillFIGURE 13NOTE: If the AMPS indicates belowzero (left) during CHARGING orSTARTING, reverse the leads asshown,Caution: DO NOT pull on the wires, ifnecessary_ grasp the terminal with plierstO remove it,FIGURE 15Remove field lead (green wire) fromthe alternator field terminal. Connectiumper wire from the alternator fieldterminal to ground.RemoveField Lead(GreenWire)BatteryOutputTerminalPlugField Terminal(Horizonhal)JumperConnect JumperCHRYSLER to groundFIGURE i7 AField Terminal(Vertical)(Blue Wire)JJL ...... _.....................Remove cap from the field Statorterminal. Connect jumper Terminalwlre to field terminal and !ground. Ground TerminalFIGURE 17 CField Term;halRegulat_TerminalIIATTERY _ft AOAPTI[R CONN-tCtlONS ItOlt ALTERNATOR TiltFIGURE 14FIGURE 16"A" CIRCUIT(Electronic VoltageRegulator)Insert screwdriver not more than Iinch in end frame hole, ground tabto frame with screwdr;ver. Noadditional adapter is needed.DELCOFIGURE 17 B TabEndFrameHole\Remove CapINTEGRAL DESIGNFORD Regulator Exclte' Terminal(to Ignition Switch)Ground withJumper Wire