ADJUSTMENT STEP 2Adjust the ForceForce adjustment controls are located on the backside panel of the motor unit. Force adjustmentsettings regulate the amount of power required toopen and close the door.If the forces are set too light, door travel may beinterrupted by nuisance reversals in the downdirection and stops in the up direction. Weatherconditions can affect the door movement, sooccasional adjustment may be needed.The maximum force adjustment range is about3/4 of a complete turn. Do not force controlsbeyond that point. Turn force adjustment controlswith a screwdriver.NOTE: If anything interferes with the door’s upwardtravel, it will stop. If anything interferes with the door’sdownward travel (including binding or unbalanceddoors), it will reverse.HOW AND WHEN TO ADJUST THE FORCES1. Test the DOWN (close) force• Grasp the door bottom when the door is abouthalfway through DOWN (close) travel. The doorshould reverse. Reversal halfway through downtravel does not guarantee reversal on a one-inch(2.5 cm) obstruction. See Adjustment Step 3.If the door is hard to hold or doesn't reverse,DECREASE the DOWN (close) force by turningthe control counterclockwise. Make smalladjustments until the door reverses normally.After each adjustment, run the opener througha complete cycle.• If the door reverses during the down (close)cycle and the opener lights aren't flashing,INCREASE DOWN (close) force by turning thecontrol clockwise. Make small adjustments untilthe door completes a close cycle. After eachadjustment, run the opener through a completetravel cycle. Do not increase the force beyondthe minimum amount required to close the door.2. Test the UP (open) force• Grasp the door bottom when the door is abouthalfway through UP (open) travel. The doorshould stop. If the door is hard to hold ordoesn't stop, DECREASE UP (open) force byturning the control counterclockwise. Make smalladjustments until the door stops easily andopens fully. After each adjustment, run theopener through a complete travel cycle.• If the door doesn’t open at least 5 feet (1.5 m),INCREASE UP (open) force by turning thecontrol clockwise. Make small adjustments untildoor opens completely. Readjust the UP limit ifnecessary. After each adjustment, run theopener through a complete travel cycle.29ForceAdjustmentControlAdjustment LabelBack panel ofdoor openerKG KG1397513975KG KG13975139751 2 3Without a properly installed safety reversal system,persons (particularly small children) could beSERIOUSLY INJURED or KILLED by a closinggarage door.• Too much force on garage door will interfere withproper operation of safety reversal system.• NEVER increase force beyond minimum amountrequired to close garage door.• NEVER use force adjustments to compensate for abinding or sticking garage door.• If one control (force or travel limits) is adjusted, theother control may also need adjustment.• After any adjustments are made, the safety reversalsystem MUST be tested. Door MUST reverse oncontact with one-inch (2.5 cm) object (or 2 x 4 laidflat) on floor.WARNINGCAUTION