AntennaOpenerTerminal Screws2-Conductor Bell WireLightedPush ButtonSTANDARD CONTROL CONSOLEBACK PANELKG KG13975139752 31WHITE2RED1DOORCONTROLBUTTON TerminalScrewsSTANDARD CONTROL(BACK VIEW)Terminal ScrewsBellWireDOOR CONTROLBUTTON (BACK)WHT21REDTopMountingHoleBottomMountingHoleBellWire18INSTALLATION STEP 6Install the Door ControlLocate door control within sight of door, at a minimumheight of 5 feet (1.5 m) where small children cannotreach, away from moving parts of door and doorhardware. If installing into drywall, drill 5/32" holes anduse the anchors provided. For pre-wired installations(as in new home construction), it may be mounted to asingle gang box (Figure 2).1. Strip 1/4" (6 mm) of insulation from one end of thebell wire and connect it to the two screw terminals onthe back of the door control: white to 2, and white/redto 1.2. Door Control Button: Fasten securely with6AB x 1-1/2" screws.Console Model: Pry off cover along one side with ascrewdriver blade (Figure 1). Fasten with6AB x 1-1/4" self-tapping screws (standardinstallation) or 6-32 x 1" machine screws (pre-wiredinstallation) as follows:• Install bottom screw, allowing 1/8" (3 mm) toprotrude above wall surface.• Position bottom of door control on screw head andslide down to secure. Adjust screw for snug fit.• Drill and install top screw with care to avoidcracking plastic housing. Do not overtighten.• Insert top tabs and snap on cover.3. (For standard installation only) Run bell wire upwall and across ceiling to motor unit. Use insulatedstaples to secure wire in several places. Do notpierce wire with a staple, creating a short or opencircuit.4. Connect the bell wire to the terminal screws on theopener panel: white to 2; white/red to 1.5. Position the antenna wire as shown.6. Use tacks or staples to permanently attachentrapment warning label to wall near door control,and manual release/safety reverse test label in aprominent location on inside of garage door.NOTE: DO NOT connect power and operate opener atthis time. The trolley will travel to the full open positionbut will not return to the close position until the sensorbeam is connected and properly aligned.To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH fromelectrocution:• Be sure power is not connected BEFORE installing doorcontrol.• Connect ONLY to 24 VOLT low voltage wires.To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH from aclosing garage door:• Install door control within sight of garage door, out ofreach of children at a minimum height of 5 feet (1.5 m),and away from all moving parts of door.• NEVER permit children to operate or play with door controlpush buttons or remote control transmitters.• Activate door ONLY when it can be seen clearly, is properlyadjusted, and there are no obstructions to door travel.• ALWAYS keep garage door in sight until completely closed.NEVER permit anyone to cross path of closing garage door.WARNINGCAUTION WARNINGWARNINGDry Wall AnchorsInsulatedStaples6AB x 1-1/4" ScrewControl Console (std installation)6-32 x 1" ScrewControl Console (pre-wired)6AB x 1-1/2" ScrewDoor Control ButtonHARDWARE SHOWNACTUAL SIZETo Replace,InsertTop TabsFirstTo Remove,TwistHerePRE-WIREDINSTALLATIONREMOVE & REPLACE COVERFigure 1Figure 224 Volt2-ConductorBell Wire