ASSEMBLY STEP 5Tighten the Chain1. Spin the inner nut and lock washer down the trolley threadedshaft, away from the trolley.2. To tighten the chain, turn outer nut in the direction shown(Figure 1).3. When the chain is approximately 1/4" (6 mm) above the baseof the rail at its midpoint, re-tighten the inner nut to secure theadjustment (Figure 2).Sprocket noise can result if chain is too loose. When installationis complete, you may notice some chain droop with the doorclosed. This is normal. If the chain returns to the position shownin Figure 2 when the door is open, do not re-adjust the chain.NOTES:l During future maintenance, ALWAYS pull the emergencyrelease handle to disconnect trolley before adjusting chain.l You may notice loosening of chain after Adjustment Step 2(Test the Safety Reversal System). Check for proper tensionand readjust chain if necessary. Then repeat AdjustmentStep 2.You have now finished assembling your garage door opener.Please read the following warnings before proceeding to theinstallation section.Figure 1Figure 2Base of Rail Mid length of RailChain1/4" (6 mm)OuterNutLockWasherTrolleyThreadedShaftInner NutTo TightenInner NutTo Tighten Outer NutINSTALLATIONIMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSTo reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH:1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTALLATION WARNINGS ANDINSTRUCTIONS.2. Install garage door opener ONLY on properly balanced andlubricated garage door. An improperly balanced door mayNOT reverse when required and could result in SEVEREINJURY or DEATH.3. ALL repairs to cables, spring assemblies and other hardwareMUST be made by a trained door systems technician BEFOREinstalling opener.4. Disable ALL locks and remove ALL ropes connected togarage door BEFORE installing opener to avoidentanglement.5. Install garage door opener 7 feet (2.13 m) or more abovefloor.6. Mount the emergency release within reach, but at least 6 feet(1.83 m) above the floor and avoiding contact with vehiclesto avoid accidental release.7. NEVER connect garage door opener to power source untilinstructed to do so.8. NEVER wear watches, rings or loose clothing while installingor servicing opener. They could be caught in garage door oropener mechanisms.9. Install wall-mounted garage door control:l within sight of the garage door.l out of reach of children at minimum height of 5 feet(1.5 m).l away from ALL moving parts of the door.10. Place entrapment warning label on wall next to garage doorcontrol.11. Place manual release/safety reverse test label in plain view oninside of garage door.12. Upon completion of installation, test safety reversal system.Door MUST reverse on contact with a 1-1/2" (3.8 cm) highobject (or a 2x4 laid flat) on the floor.13. To avoid SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY or DEATH fromelectrocution, disconnect ALL electric power BEFOREperforming ANY service or maintenance.14. DO NOT install on a one-piece door if using devices orfeatures providing unattended close. Unattended devices andfeatures are to be used ONLY with sectional doors.11