CRAFTSMAN 12" WOOD-TURNING LATHE MODEL No. 113.228000 & 113.228160Key PartNo. No. Description123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282g3031323380363970047700046346760341STD 50310256170STD 610805STD 60060270008STD 600603STD 55121056110182293888470014561205661418994388965661356619561802197535661170006STD 503705602566026270001STD 5414257005270050+Pulley+Motor (Model ! 13.22816)Guard Assembly, includes items 55 and 56Cap, Flag TermOutlet*Screw, Soc. Hd. Set 5/16:18 x 5/16Pulley, includes Key No. 6Screw, Pan Hd, Type A 8 x 1/2*Screw, Type 23 Pan No. 6-32 x 1/4Guard, Plate*Screw, Type 23 Pan No. 10-32 x 3/8*Lockwasher, No. 10Coffer with Set ScrewBearing, BailRing, Retaining 1-5/8HeadstockPlunger and Housing Assembly, CompleteConsisting of Items 18, 19, 20, and 21PlungerPin_Spri ngHousing, PlungerPoint+No, 1 Morse Taper Spur Center with PointNut, Hex 3/4-16SpindleHeadstock Assembly, Complete Consisting of Items6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 25, and 27*Screw, Soc. Hd. Set 3/8-t6 x 1/2KeyGripLever, Assembly LockNut, Lock 1/4-20Nut, StudShoe, LockKey PartNo. No.343536373839404142434445464748495O5!5253545556575859606162636456217700511203995621380551856628STD 541025566255619070016562227004956130601216907269077STD 523720STD 304370600963050470019305408051466027163418378183753070009STD 541110602677001070046SP405270053Descriptioni i i iiiiii iiWheel, HandHousing, Tailstock*Nut Square 5/t6-18 x 9/16 x 7/32Foot, Rear*Screw, Pan. Hd. 5/t6-18 x 1-3/4Screw, Slotted Hd. Set 1/4:20 x 1-!/4Nut, Hex 1/4-20Spindle, Tailstock+No. 1 Morse Taper Cut Center with PointRest, TootHolder, Tool RestClamp, SupportTube AssembLyWasher, .380 x 1-9/64 x 7/64WrenchSpacerScrew, Hex Hd. 3/8-16 × 2*Belt, "'Vee" 1/2 x 37*+Wrench, Hex 5/32*+Wrench, Hex 3/16Rest, 6" ToolScrew, WingWasherCord (w/Plug)ClampRelief, StrainNut, "U" ClipBox, Junction*Nut, Hex No. 10-32Switch, LockingSwitch, PanelBag of Loose Parts (Not tllustrated)Booklet-How To Operate Your CraftsmanLathe (Not Illustrated)Owners, Manual (Not Ills.)* Standard Hardware Item - May Be Purchased Locally.f Stock Item - May be secured through the Hardware Department of most Sears Retail Stores or Catalog Order Houses.NOTE: Shipping and handling charges for standard hardware items (identified by *) such as nuts, screws, washers, etc., make buying theseitems by mail uneconomical. To avoid shipping and handling charges, you may obtain most of these locally.