ow your wood lathe11;SPUR: CENTER AND CUP CENTER .... are used forspindle turning and should always be in alignment,ALIGNING CENTERSlithe centers:are not in line as shown, make the following adjustments.1. Make sure the tailstock and ram are locked whenchecking for alignment.2. Loosen the screw in the foot... TAP the screw toloosen the Iocknut inside,3. Using a 3/16" setscrew wrench, loosen the setscrewon the back of the headstock, The screw is locatedabout 1-3/4" from the bottom.4. Swing the tailstock so that the two points are inline. ,, tighten the setscrewir_ the headstock and thescrew in the end of the taitstock.3/16" SETSCREWWRENCH\HEADSTOCK r3/16,,SETSCR EW TAI LSTOC KFOOTSCREWHANDWHEEL12. TAILSTOCK., .supports the workpiece for spindleturning.The tailstock contains a brass screw which bears againstthe "key" on the underside of the bed. This screw pre-vents excessive "looseness" (rocking back and forth) ofthe tailstock,I. Loosen the Iocknut using a 7t 16" wrench.2. Tighten the screw moderately against the key, thenloosen it about t/4 turn.Slide the tailstock along the bed. If it does not stick orbind in any one spot, tighten the nut. If it binds or sticks,loosen the screw only enough so that the tailstock slidessmoothly a!ong, the bed.TAI LSTOCKLOCK\BRASS \SCREW LOCKNUT KEY14