Assembly (continued)Drum/Caddy AssemblyIf any parts are missing or damagedcontact your Sears Store or SearsService Center.Do not assemble until you have all theparts.1. Remove left and right caddies fromdrum.2. Install cap nut on one side of shaft rod.Tap gently with rubber mallet orhammer until fully seated. Slide openend of shaft through the wheel (smoothside of wheel facing outward).3. Place wheel/shaft assembly throughcaddy left and on through the caddyright, as shown.4. Then place the remaining wheel ontothe caddy assembly (smooth side ofwheel facing outward), and installsecond cap nut.5. Invert drum to install caddy. Place thecaddy assembly onto the drum, asshown. Be sure that wheels spin freely,and do not contact the caddies.6. Once the caddies are aligned on thedrum, gently tap each end of eachcaddy until firmly seated. It isrecommended to tap the center portionof the front caddies, as shown.7. Using a rubber mallet or hammer,gently tap the wheel caps onto eachwheel until the wheel caps are firmlyseated onto each wheel. This isrequired on both sides.NOTE: Smooth side of -Sho!tR°d Caddy_/4_ _ WheelRight _,,-,y/_-r._ ,/CapCADDY _ [j _-_ NutASSEMBLY _TAPy/Wheel CapMallet¢