Maintenance (continued)Cleaning A Dry FilterSome removal of dry debris can beaccomplished without removing the filterfrom the Vac. Slap your hand on top ofthe power assembly while the Vac isturned off.For best cleaning results due toaccumulated dust, clean the filter in anopen area. Cleaning SHOULD be doneoutdoors and not in the living quarters.After filter removal from Vac, remove thedry debris by gently tapping the filteragainst the inside wall of your dust drum.The debris will loosen and fall.For thorough cleaning of dry filter withfine dust (no debris), run water throughit as described under "Cleaning A WetFilter".Cleaning A Wet FilterAfter filter is removed, run water throughthe filter from a hose or spigot. Take carethat water pressure from the hose is notstrong enough to damage filter. Be sure todry the filter before storing or picking updry debris.Cleaning and Disinfecting theWet/DryTo keep your Wet/Dry Vac looking itsbest, clean the outside with a clothdampened with warm water and mildsoap.To clean the drum:1. Dump debris out.2. Wash drum thoroughly with warm waterand mild soap.3. Wipe out with dry cloth.Before prolonged storage or as needed(i.e., waste water pick up) the drumshould be disinfected.To disinfect the drum:1. Pour 1 gallon of water and 1 teaspoonchlorine bleach into the drum.2. Let solution stand for 20 minutes,carefully swishing every few minutes,making sure to wet all inside surfacesof the drum.3. Empty drum after 20 minutes. Rinsewith water until bleach smell is gone.Allow drum to dry completely beforesealing the motor on the drum.Casters and WheelsShould your cart squeak or become hardto roll, you should place two or threedrops of general purpose oil on eachwheel at the axle. If your casters arenoisy, you may put a drop of oil on theroller shaft to make them quieter.Frames and HandlesYour metal handle is painted to preventrust, however, liquids and corrosivedebris should be wiped off with a softcloth should they come in contact withthe handle.StorageBefore storing your Vac, the drum shouldbe emptied and cleaned. The cord shouldbe wrapped around the push/pull handleas shown, and the hose should be storedas described in this manual. Accessoriesshould be kept in the same area as theVac so they can be readily available.The Vac should be stored indoors./ Push/Pull HandleCord_, WARNING: To assure productSAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairsand adjustments should be performedby a Sears Parts & Repair ServiceCenter, always using Searsreplacement parts.16