OPERATIONINSTALLING BITS ---- ....1 Lock switch trigger on your ddtt by placing thedirection of rotation selector in center position.2 Close chuck jaws to a point where the opening isslightly larger than the bit size you intend to use,3 insert your drilJ bit into chuck the full length of thejaws as shown in Figure 4, BIT4" Remove chuck key from chuck key storage SeeFigure 35 Tighten chuck jaws by placing chuck key tn eacho! the three holes, and tighten in a clockwisedirection. DO NOT USE A WRENCH TO TIGHTENOR LOOSEN THE CHUCK,6. Remove the chuck key and return to chuck keystorageREMOVING BITSt. Lock switch trigger on your dri]! by placing thedirection of rotation selector In center position2 Remove chuck key from chuck key storage, SeeFigure 33 Loosen chuck jaws using the chuck key, DO NOTUSE A WRENCH TO TIGHTEN OR LOOSEN THECHUCK,,4. Remove drill bit from chuck jaws.,5 Remove chuck key and return to chuck keystorage,CHUCK REMOVALThe chuck must be removed in order to use someaccessories To remove:1 LOck switch trigger on your drill by placing thedirection of rotation selector in center position2 Remove chuck key from chuck key storage SeeFigure 33. Close the chuck jaws. Insert chuck key into chuckand tap sharply with a mallet in a clockwise direc-tion as shown in Figure 54, Open the chuck jaws and remove the chuck screwby turning it in a clockwise direction See Figure 6NOTE: The chuck screw has left hand threads5. Inserl the chuck key in chuck and tap sharply in acounterclockwise direction to loosen it on spin.die, I1 can now be unscrewed by hand, See Figure7,6 Return chuck key to chuck key storage,The chuck may become loose on spindle anddevelop a wobble. Also, the chuck screw maybecome loose causing the chuck jaws to bind Thiswill prevent them from closing To tighten, followthese steps:1, Lock swflch trigger on your drill by placing thedirection of rotation selector in center position2 Open the chuck jaws3 Insert chuck key in chuck and tap with a mallet ina clockwise direction4. Tighten the chuck screw NOTE; "The chuck screwhas left hand threadsPage 7(Cont.)CHUCK KEYHOLEWRISTSTRAP.tFig 4Ftg 5Fig 6