OPERATIONKNOW YOUR DRILLSee Figure 1_Before attempting to use your drill, familiarizeyourself with el! operating features and safety re-quirements,If any pads are missing do not operate your drill untiethe missing parts are replaced.CHARGING YOUR DRILLYour drill has been shipped in a low charge conditionto prevent possible problems. Therefore, you shouldcharge tt at least 5 hours prior to useNOTE:Your drill wltl not reach fult charge the firstttme it is charged. Allow several cycles (drillingfollowed by recharging) for your drill to become fullycharged,DRILLSELECTORTO CHARGE1, Connect charger to your drill by insertingcharger plug Into input jack, NOTE: As shown InFigure 1, input Jack is located at the rear of toot2 Charger can be used with normal house voltageof 110.120 volts, 60 Hz. AC only.3, Connect charger Io power supplyNOTE: The LED indicator, which is located above theswitch, will iight up when charger is properly con.nected to power supply Thts light indicates yourdrill is charging and will rematn on until charger tsdisconnected from power supply.NOTE: Do not operate your drill while it is connectedto the charger. The driving ability of your drill will notincrease,NOTE: After normal usage, your drtlI usually requires3 hours of charging time to be fully chargedYOUR DRILL _ONTAINS SPECIALHIGH TEMPERATURE BATTERIES TO HELP PRE-VENT BATTERY DAMAGE WHEN LEFT ONCHARGE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME,HOWEVER, ONCE THE BATTERIES OF YOUR DRILLBECOME FULLY CHARGED, WE RECOMMENDTHAT YOU UNPLUG YOUR CHARGER FROMPOWER SUPPLY THEN DISCONNECT THECHARGER FROM YOUR DRILL..UT JACKCHARGER PLUGLED INDICATOi_i// BATTERY CHARGERlSWITCH TRIGGERWRIST STRAPPage 5