B-1Multiprocessor WAN Application Module User GuideOL-7469-04A P P E N D I X BTroubleshootingDuring power up, your Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series switch or Cisco 7600 Series Internet Router goesthrough a system check. This system check also includes all the modules (for example, the MWAM) thatare installed.If your MWAM is not powering up properly, begin troubleshooting using the procedures in thisappendix. This appendix guides you through some initial checks and procedures that can solve somebasic MWAM problems. It can also direct you to the appropriate document for detailed troubleshootinginformation and procedures to solve more complex problems.This appendix contains general problem solving information about your Catalyst 6500 switch or Cisco7600 router and specific problem solving information about your MWAM module in the followingsections:• General Problem Solving, page B-2• MWAM Problem Solving, page B-4• MWAM System Error Messages, page B-6Tip If you cannot locate the source of the problem, contact a customer service representative for informationon how to proceed. For technical support information, see the Cisco Information Packet publication thatshipped with your product. Before you call, have the following information ready:• Chassis type and serial number• Maintenance agreement or warranty information• Type of software and version number• Date you received the new chassis• Brief description of the problem• Brief explanation of the steps you have taken to isolate the problemFor specific troubleshooting details about the Catalyst 6500 switch or Cisco 7600 router, refer to theTroubleshooting chapters in the following books:• Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Installation Guide—Appendix E• Cisco 7600 Series Router Installation Guide—Chapter 4