Cisco - Hardware Troubleshooting for Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router Line Card Failureshttp://kbase/paws/servlet/ViewFile/15926/hwts_gsrlc_15926.xml?convertPaths=1[8/6/2010 3:56:13 PM]TAC Notice: What'sChanging on TACWebHelp us help you.Please rate thisdocument.ExcellentGoodAverageFairPoorThis document solvedmy problem.YesNoJust browsingSuggestions forimprovement:(256 character limit)Hardware Troubleshooting for Cisco 12000Series Internet Router Line Card FailuresContentsIntroductionPrerequisitesRequirementsComponents UsedHardware-Software Compatibility and Memory RequirementsConventionsIdentify the IssueLine Card CrashFabric Ping FailureParity Error MessagesError MessagesTest the Line Card for Hardware FailureCisco IOS Software Releases Later than 12.0(22)SCisco IOS Software Releases Earlier than 12.0(22)SInformation to Collect if You Open a TAC Service RequestCisco Support Community - Featured ConversationsRelated InformationIntroductionValuable time and resources are often wasted replacing hardware that actually functionsproperly. This document helps troubleshoot common hardware issues with the Cisco 12000Series Internet Router, and provides pointers for identifying whether or not the fault is in thehardware.Note: This document does not cover any software-related failures except for those that areoften mistaken as hardware issues.PrerequisitesRequirementsReaders of this document should have knowledge of these topics:Hardware Troubleshooting for the Cisco 12000 Series Internet RouterTroubleshooting Line Card Crashes on the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router