5-2The setting of the receive mode can be changed if necessary.Setting the Receive Mode1 Press Receive Mode until the mode youwant appears.Ex:• You can select from the following:– FaxTel* :when a telephone is connected to the machine,the machine automatically switches between faxcalls and voice calls.– FaxOnly :if you use your machine to receive only faxes.– DRPD* (Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection):to distinguish between fax and voice calls usingDistinctive Ring Patterns.– Manual :when a telephone is connected to the machine,you can receive faxes by pressing Start beforereplacing the handset on the telephone.– AnsMode :if you want to receive faxes automatically androute voice calls to an answering machine.* You can set details for the FaxTel and DRPDmodes. (→ pp. 5-3 to 5-5)2 Press Set.Ex:The selected receive mode is set and the machinereturns to the standby mode. The current date and theselected receive mode are displayed.• The machine does not ring when it receivesa fax in FaxOnly. If you want to bealerted when a fax call is received, connecta telephone to the machine, and enable theINCOMING RING setting.• When an answering machine or atelephone with an answering machine isconnected to your machine, selectAnsMode. (→ p. 1-4)• Follow these guidelines when using themachine with an answering machine:– Set the answering machine to answer onthe first or second ring.– When recording the outgoing message onthe answering machine, the entiremessage must be no longer than 15seconds.Ex: “Hello. I can’t answer the phoneright now, but please leave a messageafter the beep. I’ll return your call assoon as possible.”NOTEF A X 1 2 / 0 3 / 2 0 0 4 1 5 : 3 0M a n u a l S T A N D A R DR E C E I V E M O D EM a n u a l