4-7 Making Copies4The machine has the following SPECIAL COPY features. These features allow you to sort copies in order ofpages, and create special copies easily.– Collate CopySorting copies in order of pages.– 2 on 1Reducing 2 letter size documents to fit on a single letter size paper.– Reserve CopyReserves the next job while the machine is printing out.– Two-sided copyMaking copies on both sides of the paper.Collate CopyThe collate copy allows you to sort copies in order of pages. It is convenient when you make multiple copies ofmultipage documents.■ When Loading Documents in the ADF4321432143214321Set 3sets of copiesCopy 1 Copy 2 Copy 3Special Features1 Load documents face down in the ADF.2 Press Collate.• The Collate key lights green.3 Use the numeric keys to set the copyquantity. (→ p. 4-3)Ex:4 Press Start.• The machine begins scanning from the last page ofthe document. After scanning, the scanneddocuments will come out in order.• When scanning multipage documents,MEMORY FULL and PRESS SET KEYmay appear in the LCD, and the documentbeing scanned stops in the ADF. Press Setto make the document come outautomatically. In this case, reduce thedocuments to be scanned. Or, changeimage quality mode to TEXT.NOTE1 0 0 % L T RT E X T 03