2-7Loading Envelopes in the Multi-purpose Tray• The recommended envelopes are US COMMERCIAL 10, MONARCH, EUROPEAN DL, ISO-B5,ISO-C5, YOGATA #4 or YOGATA #2 envelopes. Using other envelopes may affect the quality of theprint image.NOTEPaper Handling21 Arrange the stack of envelopes on a firm,clean surface, and press down firmly on theedges to make the folds crisp.• Press all the way around the envelopes to removeany curls and expel air from inside the envelopes.Also, press firmly on the area that corresponds tothe edges of the back flap.2 Remove any curling from the envelopes byholding the edges diagonally and bendingthem gently.3 Run a pen or other rounded object alongthe back flaps to flatten them.• The flaps should not bulge more than 0.2"(5 mm).4 Insert the stack of envelopes into the multi-purpose tray q, and adjust the slide guidesto fit the size of the envelope w.• Position the envelopes with the print side up (flapsshould not be visible) and load the envelope sothat the right edge (stamp side) feeds first in themulti-purpose tray.• If the envelope to be loaded has a flap on the shortedge, this edge must enter the machine first. Notloading it this way will result in paper jams.• Make sure the stack does not exceed the paperlimit guide.• The machine is now ready to print.• The orientation of a document and theloading position of the envelope arereversed.• To select the type of envelope to be loadedin the multi-purpose tray, follow theprocedure below:– Press Additional Functions, thenselect COMMON SETTINGS → MPTRAY PAPERSIZE → OFF → SETON LOADING.– Load the envelope into the multi-purposetray, and select ENVELOPE, then pressSet.Use 4 (–) or e (+) to select the type ofenvelope (US COMMERCIAL 10,MONARCH, EUROPEAN DL, ISO-B5,ISO-C5, YOGATA #4 or YOGATA#2) then press Set.NOTE12