Other MaintenanceOther MaintenancePreparing to Transfer the Printer ........................................................................................................................... 844Updating the Firmware ................................................................................................................................................ 850Preparing to Transfer the PrinterPreparing to Transfer the PrinterTo protect the internal parts in transit, always follow these steps before transferring the printer to a new location.Refer to the Setup Guide for details on packing the printer and installing it after transfer.Important• Be sure to contact your Canon dealer before transferring the printer to a new location. Ink may leak and damage theprinter if you do not prepare the printer correctly and it is tipped or stood on end in transit.Note• Depending on the state of the printer, part replacement may be necessary when preparing to transfer the printer (that is,when you execute the printer menu item to prepare for transfer).• Ink must be drawn into the Maintenance Cartridge before Level 2 or Level 3 printer transfer, as described in the followingtable. Prepare the Maintenance Cartridge in advance.• Always follow the instructions of the service representative when transferring the printer under Level 3 conditions.Level Shipping Method (Exam-ple) Permitted Angle of Inclination Amount of Ink to Dis-pose ofRequired Main-tenance Car-tridges(*1)1 By truck Lengthwise: 0–30ºRotation: 0–10º0 0(*2)2 By plane All directions: 0–30º Approx. 1.8 L (60.9fl oz)2 or 33 Tipping the printer orholding it upright for el-evators or stairsLengthwise: 0–90ºRotation: 0–30ºApprox. 1.8 L (60.9fl oz)2 or 3*1: This is the number of new Maintenance Cartridges required when you execute the Prep.MovePrinter menu. Thenumber varies depending on the amount remaining in the Maintenance Cartridge being used.*2: If a message instructing you to replace the Maintenance Cartridge is displayed on the Display Screen, the Mainte-nance Cartridge needs to be replaced.Preparing to Transfer the Printer iPF8400SUser's GuideMaintenance and Consumables Other Maintenance844