2 Place the pointer at a corner of the selection boxaround the object to show the arrow handle, and dragthis handle to change the object size.Resizing by specifying a scaling value1 Select an object.Click on the Enl./Red. checkbox in the Format Dialog Box ➔P.198 and select Scaling.2 You either enter numbers directly.Note• You can input between 25 and 600.• You can change the numbers by clicking either ▲ button or ▼ button.3 Click the OK button.Moving an ObjectMoving an ObjectYou can move the object position.1 Select an object.2 Place the pointer inside the selection box of the ob-ject to show the crosshair handle, and drag it to movethe object.Alternatively, you can move the Object Position bychanging the values in Vertical Pos, Horizontal Posand Page Pos in the Format Dialog Box ➔P.198 .Rotating an ObjectRotating an ObjectYou can rotate the object.1 Select an object.iPF8400S Moving an ObjectUser's GuideWindows Software Free Layout205