Troubleshooting52Handling Error MessagesWhen a printer error occurs, the POWER/ERROR lamp flashes. The number offlashes indicates the type of error that has occurred. Count the flashes andtake the appropriate action to correct the error.Number ofFlashesPossible Cause Try ThisTwo flashes Printer is out ofpaperReload paper and press the RESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCEL button.Three flashes Paper jam If a paper jam occurs, clear the jammed paper, reload paper in the printer, thenpress the RESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCEL button. See "Paper JamsPaper JamsPaper JamsPaper Jams" on page 51.Six flashes Print head notinstalledInstall print head.Seven flashes Defective printheadPress the POWERPOWERPOWERPOWER button to turn off the printer, and press the POWERPOWERPOWERPOWER button againto turn on the printer. If the same error occurs, the print head may be defective.Contact the Customer Care Center.Eight flashes Waste ink tankalmost fullThe printer has a built-in waste ink tank to hold the ink consumed during printhead cleaning.Eight flashes indicates that this tank is nearly full.Press the RESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCEL button to clear the error so printing can continue.Contact the Customer Care Center.Eleven flashes A specified periodof time has lapsedwithout receiving aresponse from thedigital camera / Thedigital camera ordigital videocamcorderconnected is notcompatible withthis printerDisconnect the camera cable, press the printer's RESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCELRESUME/CANCEL button andreconnect the cable.If the error is still unresolved, there is a possibility that you are using a digitalcamera or digital video camcorder that is not supported by this printer. Use digitalcameras or video camcorders that are compatible with this printer.An error that requires contacting the Customer Care Center may have occurred.Disconnect the printer cable from the printer, and then turn the printer off andunplug the printer from the power supply. Reconnect the printer cable, and thenplug the printer back in and turn the printer back on after leaving it about 10minutes.If the problem remains, contact the Customer Care Center.Note POWERPOWERPOWERPOWER lamp flashesalternately green andorange