0FR4-0K2NOTEAbout the menu options in the following chartDefault settings are highlighted in bold.For values with " *1 " mark, the default value varies depending on the country where you are using the machine.Sound Volume ControlSettings DescriptionsFax Tone Adjust the sound volume during a fax transmission.OffOn:Fax Volume: 1 to 3"Adjusting the Volume"Ring Tone Adjust the ring volume when receiving a fax.OffOn:Ring Tone Volume: 1 to 3"Adjusting the Volume"TX Done Tone Adjust the fax sound volume when sending is complete.OffOn:TX Done Volume: 1 to 3Only When Error Occurs:TX Done Volume: 1 to 3"Adjusting the Volume"RX Done Tone Adjust the fax sound volume when receiving is complete.OffOn:RX Done Volume: 1 to 3Only When Error Occurs:RX Done Volume: 1 to 3"Adjusting the Volume"Scanning Done Tone Adjust the fax sound volume when scanning is complete.OffOnScanning Done Volume: 1 to 3Only When Error Occurs:Scanning Done Volume: 1 to 3"Adjusting the Volume"Entry Tone Specify whether or not the machine makes a sound when a key on the operation panel ispressed.Preferences㻣㻥㻝㻌㻛㻌㻥㻢㻠Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals