Job by job workflow profile[Job by job]Print productionJob planningWaitingjobs DocBoxScheduledjobs[21] Job by job workflow profile• The job-by-job workflow profilefits a workflow in which every jobneeds attention.• All jobs come in the list of sched-uled jobs and you start the jobsone by one from the list of sched-uled jobs. Always touch [Resume]in the dashboard to start the nextjob.• The print system selects anotheroutput tray for each next job.Check and print workflow profile[Check and print]UtskriftsproduktionJobbplaneringVäntandejobb DocBoxPlaneradejobb[22] Check and print workflow profile• The check-and-print workflow pro-file is suitable for a workflow inwhich every job requires attention.You check the print quality andlayout setting of the first set.• All jobs are received in the list ofscheduled jobs and only the firstset of the job is printed. After ap-proval of the first set, you give theprint command to print the othersets in one run.• The print system selects anotheroutput tray for each next job.Manual planning workflow profile[Manual planning]Qsjou!qspevdujpoKpc!qmboojohDocBoxTdifevmfe!kpctXbjujoh!kpct[23] Manual planning workflow profile• The manual planning workflow fitsa workflow in which you want todetermine the print priority of thejobs.• All jobs are received in the list ofwaiting jobs.• The print system selects anotheroutput tray for each next job.Work with workflow profilesChapter 5 - Prepare the print system 69VarioPrint 6000 line