Step Actions on the print‐erActions on the host Remarks3 Change the activePDL when currentlythe wrong PDL is ac-tive. This is only pos-sible when you havelicenses for morethan one PDL.Via the Settings Editor: [Transac-tion printing] -> [Transaction set-ups] -> [Requested PDL].4 Load the requiredmedia into the papertrays.Only required when the active set-up has set the tray mode to tray totray.5 Put the printer on-line.• Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transactionprinting online] -> [On], or• Via the Settings Editor: [Trans-action printing] -> [Settings] ->[Bring transaction printing on-line or offline].6 Connect to the printer.7 Submit the transactionprint jobs.8 Print the transactionprint jobs.You must perform all the regularactivities, for example load themedia, empty the output locations,add the supplies and solve errors.9 Put the printer offline when the trans-action print jobs areready.• Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transactionprinting online] -> [Off], or• Via the Settings Editor: [Trans-action printing] -> [Settings] ->[Bring transaction printing on-line or offline].10 Switch the printerback to the docu-ment printing mode.• Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transactionprinting mode] -> [Off].Introduction to the transaction section212 Chapter 9 - Carry out print jobs VarioPrint 6000 line