Storage Server Configuration Dialog493 Storage Server Configuration Reference● User Management TabThe Storage Server Configuration dialog, User Management tab allows you to set upusers and their privileges.User Management tab allows you to configure the following privileges:z Administratorz Not Administrator (Operator)Administrators have access to the Viewer including Camera Server setup, recordingschedules and Viewer setup.Users who have Operator Status cannot configure, register and change Camera Servers,or configure and change recording schedules.By default, a user called “admin” is created. The password is “NVR”. It is stronglyrecommended that this is changed after installation.It is necessary to set up users on all Storage Servers. A particular user should be set up tohave the same password on each Storage Server.Check to enable user to haveAdministrator privileges (full accessto configuration functions).Use Add to add users to this field.There is no limit to the number ofusers you can add.Click Apply to save changes.If the Authentication is requiredwhen starting this tool. box ischecked, the Login dialog opens.