When a recording trouble occurs when playing back recorded vide data (e.g., data is notfound), you can guess the cause by checking the Event Logs of the VK-64/VK-16 andStorage Server Log (re_log) .2379 TroubleshootingTroubleshooting for RecordingEventConnection toaddress> error: Erroroccurred (:)Ex. Connection to192.168.100.1 error:Error occurred (10060:Connection time-out)Effective recordingrate (before change> ➝change> %)Ex. Effective recordingrate (100➝90.0%)N/AN/AN/ARecording to E:\drive is onstandby due to shortageof free HDD space.Storage ServerERROR (connect) : socket type=(IMAGE/EVENT/COMMAND),cameraserver= (:)win32_error= (Code>:)Camera Effective recordingrate (y%->z%)If the following message is alsorecorded, a large amount of captureddata may have been discarded:· Camera : / framesdiscarded due to busy frame queue inlast 1 minutes.Camera : / framesdiscarded due to busy drive thread inlast 1 minutes.Camera : / framesdiscarded due to busy frame queue inlast 1 minutes.Error writing frame for camera :If the following messages are alsorecorded, a large amount of captureddata may have been discarded:· Camera : / framesdiscarded due to busy frame queue inlast 1 minutes.· Camera : / framesdiscarded due to busy drive thread inlast 1 minutes.No Storage Server LogCauseError No.10050The effective recording rate is too low(below 50 %).· Sensor and motion detection eventsoccur too frequently, exceeding thestandard given by the guideline.· CPU load of the Storage Server PCmay be high.Load due to writing recorded videodata onto HDD may be too high.CPU load of the Storage Server PCmay be too high.· The specified drive may be unable tobe written.· The time setting of the VK-64/VK-16Storage Server PC may have beenchanged to the past (in the NTPoperation environment).Load due to writing recorded videodata onto HDD may be too high.DescriptionNetwork may be outof service.A Camera Server’snetwork problem orsessiondisconnection due toCamera Server’sreboot has occurred.10054100601006110064CountermeasureCheck the network (HUB, cables,etc.) for any problem and confirmthat the Camera Server isoperating normally.· Adjust the recording schedule andsensitivity of motion detection.· Check the CPU usage andterminate any applications whichare putting heavy loads to the CPU.Use the Windows’ PerformanceMonitor to check the writing status ofHDD. Review the recordingschedule or add servers as required.· Use the Task Manager to find outthe application causing the problem.· If the VK-64/VK-16 module(AE.EXE) is causing the problem,the event generation frequencymay be too high. Try the following:- Shorten the Maximum retainedhistory setting for the recorded data- Reduce the number of events togenerate- Add servers to distribute the load.· Check the drive for recordingvideo data.· If you are using NTP to adjust time,shorten the synchronization intervalwith NTP (e.g., 7 days ➝ 1 day).Shorten the Maximum retainedhistory or add HDD. Also, reviewthe recording schedule.Log PreviousNext |