4312345678CoverPreliminary Notesand Legal InformationContents: BasicOperationsAdvanced GuideCamera BasicsSmart AutoModeOther ShootingModesPlayback ModeSetting MenuAccessoriesAppendixIndexBasic GuideP ModeStill ImagesRed-Eye CorrectionRed-eye that occurs in the flash photography can be automaticallycorrected as follows.Configure the setting.zz Press the <n> button, choose[Red-Eye Corr.] on the [4] tab, and thenchoose [On] (=31).XX Once the setting is complete, [R] isdisplayed.zz To restore the original setting, repeat thisprocess but choose [Off].• Red-eye correction may be applied to image areas other than eyes(if the camera misinterprets red eye makeup as red pupils, forexample).• You can also correct existing images (=78).MoviesChanging Movie Image Quality2 image quality settings are available. For guidelines on the maximummovie length at each level of image quality that will fit on a memory card,see “Recording Time per Memory Card” (=119).Configure the setting.zz Press the <m> button, choose [ ] inthe menu, and choose the desired option(=30).XX The option you configured is nowdisplayed.zz To restore the original setting, repeat thisprocess but choose [ ].ImageQuality Resolution Frame Rate Details1280 x 720 25 fps For shooting in HD640 x 480 30 fps For shooting in standarddefinition• In [ ] mode, black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screenindicate image areas not recorded.Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Canon Manuals