Connecting to a Computer Using a DV (IEEE1394) CableYou can transfer recordings to a computer equipped with a DV (IEEE1394) terminal orIEEE1394 capture board (optional software required).DV IN/OUTtermina[_._ I terminal _ I4 pin: _. u6 pin: I_11_ __m0 Operation may not work correctly depending on the software and thespecifications/settings of your computer.0 Do not disconnect the DV cable, open the memory card cover, remove thememory card, change the position of the POWERswitch or turn off thecamcorder and computer while data is being transferred to the computer(while the camcorder's card access indicator is flashing). Doing so may damagethe memory card's data.OThe image file on your memory card and the image files saved on the hard diskdrive of your computer are valuable, original data files. If you wish to useimage files on your computer, make copies of them first, and use the copiedfile, retaining the original.0 If the computer freezes while you have connected the camcorder, disconnectand reconnect the DV cable. If the problem persists, disconnect the interfacecable, turn off camcorder and computer, turn camcorder and computer backon and reconnect them.0 We recommend powering the camcorder from a household power sourcewhile it is connected to the computen0 Refer also to the instruction manual of the computen0 Optional software is required for transferring recordings from the tape to acomputen Refer to the instruction manual of the software.0 For transferring recordings from a memory card to the computer using a USBcable, see p. 139.0 Users of Windows XP can use the DV Network Software contained on theDIGITALVIDEO SOLUTION DISK For Windows. For details, refer to the DVNetwork Software Instruction Manual.108