CHAPTER 3 EXPOSURE SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6320 REV.0 DEC. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)3-2II. LENS DRIVE SYSTEMA. OutlineThe lens is moved by the scanner motor (M2). Normally, the coupling gear is in its upperposition, and connects the scanner motor to the scanner drive capstan. To move the lens, the lenssolenoid (SL2) goes ON, causing the coupling gear to disengage from the scanner capstan gear andengage with the lens capstan gear. The lens is a “floating element” type. In operation, the relativeposition of the lens elements (individual lenses) changes, and the focal length changes as a result,but the changes are to optimize lens sharpness for each reproduction ratio, not to make the lensfunction as a zoom lens. (The lens should not be dismantled.)When the scanner motor rotates (CW), the lens will be moved to the left (for enlargement) bythe capstan and cable.When the cassette size is changed or when the copier is in the Reduce mode, the blank expo-sure shutter moves in relation to the distance over which the lens travels, thereby blanking out thewidth corresponding to the reproduction ratio; see p. 4-16.The DC controller indicates ‘E210’ on the control panel in response to an error in the lens drivesystem.