CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6320 REV.0 DEC. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 10-571. Jamming in the paper pick-up areaActionPush the cassette fully in.1.Check the paper hold-down tabs.2.Check the strength ofthe paper-liftingsprings.1.Change the copy pa-per.2.Instruct the user aboutthe correct method ofstoring paper.Request the user to usethe recommended paper.Refer to the sub-section"Paper is not picked up."Replace the pick-up roll-ers.Replace the pre-registra-tion paper sensor (Q2).1.Check each feed rollerfor wear and deforma-tion.2.Check the paper guideplate for burrs or de-formation.YES/NONOYESYESYESNOYESNOYESChecksIs the cassette pushed fully into the copier?Does the problem disappear when a differ-ent casssette is used?Is the copy paper curled or creased?Does the problem disappear when paperrecommended by Canon is used?Does the pick-up roller rotate during thecopying cycle?Are the pick-up roller shoes deformed orworn?Is the pre-registration paper sensor (Q2)normal? (See p.10-19)Step1234567CauseCassetteCopy paperDC controllerPCB, Pick-uproller clutchPick-up rollerPre-registra-tion papersensor (Q2)Feed rollerand paperguide plate