CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6320 REV.0 DEC. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 10-5530. indicator does not go OFF when there is tonerActionReplace the DC control-ler PCB.Replace the DC control-ler PCB.Check the stirring rodand gear.Replace the black tonerlevel sensor (TS1).YES/NOYESYESNOYESCheckDoes the indicator come back ON whenthe power switch is set OFF and then ONagain?Turn the power OFF, and disconnect J39.Turn the power ON, and press the CopyStart key to make any copies of the fol-lowing:[1] making 7 continuous copies on A3[2] making 9 continuous copies on A4[3] making 5 single copies on A3[4] making 5 single copies on A4Press the Copy Start key once again.Does the indicator go red when any copiesof the above has been made?Does the stirring rod inside the black de-veloping assembly operate normally?Step123CauseDC controllerPCBDC controllerPCBStirring rodgearBlack tonerlevel sensor