Chapter 44-7Depending on the paper condition, paper can curl andthe machine can fail to deliver/stack it properly in thesmall size offset mode.If this is the case,1) Turn over the stack of paper in the source cassette.If doing so has caused the paper to curl much morethan before, turn back over the stack. If the machinestill fails to stack paper due to large curl, try enablingthe offset stack mode.b. Enabling the Offset Stack Mode1) Turn off the host machine.2) Set the bits of SW104 on the finisher controllerPCB as follows:F-4-113) Turn on the host machine.- When this mode has been enabled, the stack deliveryis performed without buffering and the speed of thestack delivery roller is changed to an appropriate oneto ensure proper stacking.- If paper with little curl is delivered after this modehas been enabled, the change in condition can causeimproper stacking. In the light of this, be sure to checkthe type of paper that is most frequently used by theuser before enabling this mode.4.3.2 Adjustment at Time of PartsReplacement4.3.2.1 Adjusting theAlignment Position 0009-2568Perform this adjustment after replacing the finishercontroller PCB or when the alignment position mustbe changed for some reason.1) Remove the rear upper cover of the finisher unit.2) Check that the power of the host machine is off andset SW104 on the finisher controller PCB as followsaccording to the paper used for adjustment.F-4-123) Turn on the power of the host machine.4) Press SW103 on the finisher controller PCB.When SW103 is pressed, the swing guide opens andthe alignment plate moves to prescribed position.5) Place ten sheets of A4/LTR paper between thealignment plates and push them against the stopper.6) Press SW101 or SW102 on the finisher controllerPCB and push the alignment plate against the paper.When SW101 is pressed, alignment plate moves0.42 mm forward.When SW102 is pressed, alignment plate moves0.42 mm backward.7) When adjustment is complete, remove paper andpress SW103 on the finisher controller PCB once tostore the adjustment in memory.8) Turn off all bits of finisher controller PCB SW104.9) Turn off the power of the host machine and installthe rear upper cover of the finisher unit. Adjusting the StaplePosition 0009-2569Perform this adjustment after replacing the finishercontroller PCB or when the staple position must bechanged for some reason. This adjustment adjusts thefront/rear stitches with A4/A4R when the paper usedfor adjustment is AB type and with LTR/LTRR whenthe paper is INCH type.1) Remove the rear upper cover of the finisher unit.2) Check that the host machine power is off and setSW104 on the finisher controller PCB as followsaccording to paper/stitch position used for adjustment.ON1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ON1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ON1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8LTR paperA4 paper