Video50* 2 seconds when using the wirelesscontroller.NOTES• When the LCD panel is rotated towardthe lens, we recommend pushing thejoystick ( ) to hide the joystick guideand make the icon appear larger.• The self timer will be canceled when anyof the following operations areperformed.- Pressing (when recordingmovies) or (when takingphotos) once the countdown hasbegun- Turning off the camcorder- Changing the operating mode- Setting the camcorder to standbymodeAutomatic Backlight Correction andManual Exposure AdjustmentAt times, backlit subjects may appeartoo dark (underexposed) or subjectsunder very strong lights may appear toobright or glaring (overexposed). Tocorrect this, you can manually adjustthe exposure or use the automaticbacklight correction.POINTS TO CHECKSelect a recording program other than[ FIREWORKS].Automatic Backlight CorrectionWhen shooting subjects with a stronglight source behind them, you can havethe camcorder automatically correct forthe backlight.1 Push the joystick ( ) to displaythe joystick guide.2 Select ( ) [BLC ] and press.• appears on the screen.• Press again to end the backlightcorrection mode.Manual Exposure Adjustment1 Push the joystick ( ) to displaythe joystick guide.2 Select ( ) [EXPOSURE ] andpress .• The exposure will be locked.• The exposure adjustment indicatorand the neutral value [±0]appear on the screen.• The adjustment range and thelength of the exposure adjustmentindicator will vary depending onthe initial brightness of the picture.3 Adjust the ( ) the brightness ofthe image as required.• If you operate the zoom lever duringexposure lock, the brightness of theimage may change.( 25)Start/StopPHOTOCOPY