29• The date appears in a year-month-dayformat only in the first setup screen. Insubsequent screen displays the dateand time will appear as month-day-year(for example, [JAN. 1, 2009 12:00 AM]).You can change the date format ( 92).• You can also change the date and timelater on (not during the initial setup). Toopen the [DATE/TIME] screen:[ MENU][ DATE/TIME SETUP][DATE/TIME]Changing the LanguageOptions Default value[ MENU][ DISPLAY SETUP][LANGUAGE ]Desired languageNOTES• If you changed the language by mistake,select the menu item with the markand change the setting.• The displays and thatappear in some menu screens refer tothe name of buttons on the camcorderand will not change, regardless of thelanguage selected.Changing the Time ZoneChange the time zone to match yourlocation. The default setting is NewYork.[ MENU][ DATE/TIME SETUP][T.ZONE/DST]Your local time zone*[ MENU][ DATE/TIME SETUP][T.ZONE/DST]Local time at your destination*( 25)[ ] [MELAYU] [ ][DEUTSCH] [NEDERLANDS] [ ][ ] [POLSKI] [ ][ENGLISH] [PORTUGUÊS] [ ][ESPAÑOL] [ ] [ ][FRANÇAIS] [TÜRKÇE] [ ][ITALIANO] [ ] [ ][MAGYAR] [ ]FUNC.FUNC.FUNC.( 25)TO SET THE HOME TIME ZONEWHEN YOU TRAVELFUNC.FUNC.FUNC.COPY