2-38FAX-L350 Chapter 2: Technical Reference7.2 JBIG Image Compression Encoding Method7.2.1 Outline of the JBIG image compression encoding methodThe JBIG Image Compression Encoding Method is recommended in ITU-T T.82/T.85 as a new bi-level (bi-level: White and Black) image compression encoding method developed by JBIG (Joint Bi-level Imageexperts Group).The JBIG Image Compression Encoding Method has the following characteristics with regards to textdocuments, quasi-gray scale images with little continuous black and white, and gray scale images which usea dithering method: a higher compression rate (1.1 ~ 30 times higher) than the conventional MMR compres-sion method, the encoded volume will not exceed the volume of original image information after compres-sion, and when decoding, the image can be completely re-assembled to its original condition in the sameway as with conventional MR/MMR.The JBIG Image Compression Encoding Method contains Progressive Bi-level Image Compression forsearching image databases, recommended in ITU-T T.82, and Single Progression Sequential Bi-level ImageCompression for facsimile, recommended in ITU-T T.82 and T.85.Images will take on the form shown below.Figure 2-16 ImagesProgressiveSequential