39Chapter 3 Using the Scanner3Using the ScannerSaving images when film is scanned repeatedly (consecutively)When film is scanned repeatedly (consecutively) and the images are savedin TIFF format, multiple pages of images are saved as a single TIFF file (multi-page TIFF).If the images are saved in the BMP, JBIG or JPEG format, each page in thedocument is saved to the specified destination folder as a separate file. Thefiles are named using sequential numbers (“0001”, “0002”, etc.) automaticallyappended to the specified file name. (Eg. When the pages are saved as BMPfiles with the “scan.bmp” file name, files called “scan0001.bmp”,“scan0002.bmp”, etc. are created.)If you use the New File function or File Separator function to separate files,folders with sequential numbers (“0001”, “0002”, etc.) are automatically cre-ated for each separator and the images are saved into those folders.4Select the [Separator] setting. (Only when an FS Controller IIIis used)• NoneNo file separators are used.• File MarkFile marks on the film are used to separate files.• Batch MarkBatch marks on the film are used to separate files.• File/Batch MarkFile and batch marks on the film are both used to separate files.File separators can be selected when the FS Controller III is used. They actas triggers for file separation during continuous scanning. Refer to the FSController III Instructions for details.5Click [Start Scanning].The screen image is scanned.In Semi-auto mode, the Start key turns green indicating the ready state. Checkthe scanned image and then press the Start key to perform the scan.NOTENOTENOTE