Chapter 3 Using the Scanner36Scanning and Saving ImagesThere are two ways to scan the image projected on the screen and save the scanned imageas a file on your PC: “Scan page” and “Scan batch to file”. The scanning procedures for thetwo differ.The procedure also differs depending on the carrier used. Refer to the instructions for thecarrier for details.Scan PageThe Scan Page function allows you to scan just one page so you can check the scannedimage before saving or printing the image projected on the screen. Because the image isnot saved or printed in this mode, you must save and print the image if required.1Project the image on the scanner screen.2Select [File]-[Scan page].The image is scanned.In Semi-auto mode, the Start key on the scanner’s operation panel glowsgreen and the Start key switches to the ready state. Check the scanned im-age and then press the Start key to perform the scan.3Check the scanned image.The [View] menu and Toolbar buttons can be used to check the image.Fit to width: Matches the image width to the width of the window.Best Fit: Displays the entire page so that it fits in the window.Zoom In: Enlarges the image each time it is clicked. Once the image is displayed at 100%scale, this menu is grayed out and the image cannot be enlarged further.Zoom Out: Reduces the image each time it is clicked.Rotate Left: Rotates the image left (counterclockwise) by 90°.Rotate Right: Rotates the image right (clockwise) by 90°.NOTE