2-112 Handling5. Fingerprint Sensor (ScanFront 300P)The ScanFront 300P is equipped with a fingerprint sensor for registering fingerprints and authenticating users.The fingerprint sensor is a precision component. Be careful when handling this sensor.❏ Cautions for Handling the FingerprintSensor● The following actions may damage the fingerprintsensor or cause it to malfunction. Read thisinformation carefully to avoid damaging thesensor.– Dropping an object on the fingerprint sensor, orotherwise subjecting it to a strong impact– Scratching the surface of the fingerprint sensor,or poking it with a pointed object– Pressing a hard object such as a fingernail ormetal item against the fingerprint sensor– Touching the fingerprint sensor with dirty hands– Placing a sticker on the surface of the fingerprintsensor, or covering the surface with ink oranother substance● If fingerprint authentication fails frequently, thefingerprint sensor may be dirty. Clean the surfaceof the fingerprint sensor regularly.● When cleaning the fingerprint sensor, use a softdry cloth to wipe dirt off the surface.● Do not use a pointed object to remove any dirt thataccumulates around the fingerprint sensor. Doingso may cause the fingerprint sensor tomalfunction.● Touching the fingerprint sensor while charged withstatic electricity may cause the fingerprint sensoror scanner unit to malfunction. Before touching thefingerprint sensor, discharge any static electricityby touching a piece of metal. Be especially carefulduring dry periods, such as the winter season,when the likelihood of being charged with staticelectricity is high.Fingerprint Sensor