COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. CANON CLC1100/1130/1150/1160/1180 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 13-145CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTING54 The fixing heater fails to turn on.CauseConnector------------Thermal switch(TP2, TP3)Thermistor(THM1, THM2,THM3, THM4)Upper heater (H1)Lower heater (H2)AC harnessActionConnect the connectorsproperly.Go to step 8.Replace the thermalswitch.Replace the thermistor.Check the heater to seeif it is mounted properly;if normal, replace theupper heater.Check the heater to seeif it is mounted properly;if normal, replace thelower heater.Check the AC harnessinside the fixingassembly.Step123456Yes/NoNOYESNOYESNONOYESChecksAre the fixing drawer connectorJ18 of the transfer drum frame andthe connector J1024 of the DCdriver PCB connected securely?Slide out the transfer drum frame.Set the meter range to x1Ω, andconnect the meter probes to thefollowing terminals of the fixingdrawer connector; does the indexof the meter swing?J18-1 and -3J18-2 and -4Is there electrical continuity in thethermal switch?Set the meter range to x1Ω, andconnect the meter probes to thefollowing terminals of the fixingdrawer connector; does the meterindex swing?THM1: J500-A4 and -A5THM2: J500-B7 and -B8THM3: J500-A2 and -A3THM4: J500-B9 and -B10Does the index of the meter swingwhen the meter probes areconnected to the electrodes on bothends of the upper heater?Does the index of the meter swingwhen the meter probes areconnected to the electrodes on bothends of the lower heater?