CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTING13-146 COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. CANON CLC1100/1130/1150/1160/1180 REV.1 JAN. 2002 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CauseAC power supplySSR1DC power supplyPCB, CPU PCBActionCheck the power switch(SW1) and the ACpower cut relay (RL1);if normal, see IV. 43.Check the wiring fromthe AC power cut relay(RL1) to SSR1 and fromSSR1 to the fixingassembly drawerconnector; if normal,replace SSR1.Replace the DC driverPCB or the CPU PCB.(After replacement,execute the work underII. H. 10. or II. H. 1.)Step78Yes/NoNOYESNOChecksSlide in the transfer drum frame,and turn on the power switch. Setthe meter range to 250 VAC, andconnect the meter probes to thefollowing terminals of the faston ofthe AC power cut relay (RL1);does the index of the meter swing?Terminals 6 and 8 of RL1Set the meter range to 10 VDC, andconnect the meter probes to thefollowing terminals of the DCdriver PCB; does the index of themeter indicate about +5 V?J1024-B1 and B4 (GND)J1024-B2 and -B4 (GND)