MAINTENANCE PROCEDUREStmo2012-005-008_aTYPICALWheels and TiresWheel RemovalLoosen nuts then lift and support vehi-cle. Refer toLIFTING AND SUPPORT-ING VEHICLE inVEHICLE INFORMA-TION.Remove nuts then remove wheel.Wheel InstallationAt installation, it is recommended toapply anti-seize lubricant on threads.The tires are unidirectional and their ro-tation must be kept in a specific direc-tion for proper operation.Torque wheel nuts in accordance withthe following illustration.TORQUEWheel lugnuts100 N•m ± 10 N•m(74 lbf•ft ± 7 lbf•ft)tmo2011-001-081_aTYPICAL - TIGHTENING SEQUENCENOTICE Always use the recom-mended wheel nuts for the type ofwheel. Using a different nut couldcause damages to the rim or studs.Tire PressureWARNINGTire pressure greatly affects vehi-cle handling and stability. Underpressure may cause tire to deflateand rotate on wheel. Overpres-sure may burst the tire. Alwaysfollow recommended pressure.Check pressure when tires are coldbefore using the vehicle. Tire pres-sure changes with temperature andaltitude. Recheck pressure if one ofthese conditions has changed.For your convenience, a pressuregauge is supplied in tool kit.TIRE PRESSURE (COLD)MIN.Maxxis Ceros MAX. 124 kPa (18 PSI)NOTE: A flat may occur. Therefore, itis recommended to carry a tire pumpand a repair kit.Tire InspectionCheck tire for damage and wear. Re-place if necessary.82 ______________