SECONDARY CONTROLSNOTICE Always turn key to OFFposition when vehicle is not used.Otherwise, battery drainage will oc-cur and may lead to permanent fail-ure of batteries.ON with LightsWhen the key is turned in this position,the electrical system of the vehicle isactivated.The gauge should wake-up.The vehicle lights are turned on.The motor controller is initialized.ONThis position offers the same functionsas ON with lights position, except thevehicle lights are turned off.KeyThe vehicle is delivered with two keys.The key contains an electronic circuitthat gives it a unique electronic serialnumber (digitally encoded security sys-tem).The D.E.S.S. system reads the keycode and allows motor operation forkey it recognizes.WARNINGTo prevent vehicle unauthorizedused, always remove key frompower switch.2) Multifunction LeverLow/High Beam SelectionWhen the multifunction lever is in themiddle position, the low beam is se-lected.Push the multifunction lever forward toselect high beam.Pull back the multifunction lever to re-turn to low beam.NOTE: The power switch must be setto ON with lights position to turn on theheadlights.Headlight FlashingTo flash the high beams while in lowbeams, pull on the multifunction lever.Horn ActivationThe horn can be activated by pushingthe end of the multifunction lever to-ward the steering wheel.Turn Signal ActivationTo activate the LH turn signals, pushdown the multifunction lever.To activate the RH turn signals, push upthe multifunction lever.Reposition the multifunction lever inthe middle position to stop turn signal.NOTE: There is no auto-cancel featureon the turn signals.3) Hazard Warning Switchtmo2012-005-044_cTYPICAL1. Hazard warning switchThe hazard warning switch is locatedon the upper console.When activated, all the turn signallights will flash.4) 2WD/4WD Switch4x4 Models OnlyThe 2WD/4WD switch is located onthe upper console.44 ______________