TurfWeather Weather Station3.19 Spread Spectrum Radio (all frequencies) Removal andReplacement ProcedureThe removal and replacement of a TurfWeather weather station spreadspectrum radio does not require training, special tools, or test equipment.However, the main body of the weather station does need to be opened, and theperson replacing this radio module should observe basic electro-staticdischarge (ESD) precautions (described below) to avoid damage to the radiomodule and/or the weather station electronics inside the main body of theweather station. There is no personal electrical hazard involved, and thisprocedure can be accomplished by anyone possessing basic mechanical skills.Please read this entire procedure before beginning work.Tools Required: ½ inch wrench 5/16 inch wrench #2 Phillips screwdriver1. Preparation:a. Turn the power switch on the weather station to the “OFF” position.b. Disconnect the power input cable and ground wire connections fromthe weather station, using the 5/16 inch wrench for the ground wireconnection.c. Remove the weather station from its location by using the ½ inchwrench to loosen the two U-bolt nuts that secure the weather station toits mast. NOTE: Do not remove the mast bracket from the weatherstation.d. Bring the weather station to an enclosed location, preferably near theHost computer, and place it on a flat stable surface with an area of atleast three times the size of the weather station base.63