TurfWeather Weather Station2. Loosely tighten the U-bolt nuts so that the weather station is stable but canbe rotated on the mast or pole (Figure 2-8).U-BoltNutsFIGURE 2-8. Two views of the TurfWeather station. The U-bolt and nuts are shown.3. As a reference, use a magnetic compass (supplied in the optional TripodInstallation Kit) and rotate the weather station assembly until the referenceline on the wind direction sensor is aligned with Magnetic North (Figure2-9).NNFIGURE 2-9. Accurate wind direction measurements require thereference line on the wind direction sensor (right) to be aligned withMagnetic North.4. Firmly tighten the U-bolt nuts.5. If the Guy-wire Kit has been installed, assure that its orientation will notinterfere with the solar panel (if one is installed) then evenly tighten theturnbuckles to tension the guy-wires.6. Confirm the weather station is level by viewing the bubble level on top ofthe weather station (Figure 2-10). Minor adjustments can be made bytightening or loosening the appropriate guy-wire turnbuckle, placingshims between the weather station base and the top of the mast or pole, orloosening the mast bolts at the top and bottom of the tripod and shiftingthe vertical orientation.25