TurfWeather Weather Stationh. If you received a replacement main electronics board, it was shippedin a special ESD protective bag. Remove the replacement mainelectronics board from this bag and put the board you removed fromyour weather station into the same ESD bag.3. Main Electronics Board Replacement:a. If your weather station is wireless, the replacement main electronicswill have a spread spectrum radio board attached to it. The maincarrier frequency for the radio board is printed on the white label withthe word MaxStream. It will be either 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz. Verifythat the carrier frequency is the same as that indicated on the spreadspectrum radio you removed before proceeding further. If it is not,and you are not intentionally changing the radio frequencies in boththe weather station and the RF401 base station (they must be the samefrequency), then contact your local Toro distributor immediately.b. Orient the main electronics board so that the connector will mate withthe connector on the sensor connector board. Press the two connectorstogether until they are firmly seated.c. If your weather station is wireless, verify that the Velcro boardretaining strap is tightly secured around the radio module.d. Replace and tighten the four Phillips head screws that attach the mainelectronics board to the weather station electronics section.e. Place the two sections of the weather station main body together,making sure that none of the wiring bundles will be crushed by theedges or by the seven housing screws when the two sections aresecured with screws.f. Reinstall and tighten the seven screws that hold the weather stationmain body sections together.4. System test:a. Connect the weather station to the Host computer using the short RS-232 test cable (if a wired system) and turn on the weather stationpower switch; or initiate communications if your weather station iswireless.b. Verify that the sensors are reporting values.c. Re-install the weather station on its mast, and reconnect the groundand power wires.62