7WG3000 and WG3060• Nozzle - use Tweco® style or compatiblenozzle. Use Campbell Hausfeld nozzlemodel WT5021 found at place ofpurchase of welder, or use Tweco® stylenozzle (or compatible nozzle) found atlocal welding supply store.Changing Wire SizesDRIVE ROLLERThere are two grooves in the DriveRoller. The small groove is for .024 (.6mm) wire and the other is for .030 -.035 (.8 - .9 mm) wire. Remove theroller cover and flip the drive roll tochoose the correct groove (see PartsBreakdown).FLUX CORE WIREDue to small inconsistencies in wirediameter, using one size larger tip isrecommended. For example:• If wire diameter is .030, use .035 tip.• If wire diameter is .035, use .040 tip.This welder is setup for .035 (.9 mm)wire and has a .040 tip. Since thiswelder uses .030 and .035 Flux CoreWire, the drive roller should be in itsfactory pre-set condition.Welding GuidelinesGeneralThis line of welding machines canutilize the Flux Cored Arc Welding(Gasless) process or the Gas Metal ArcWelding (MIG) process. The weld mustbe protected (shielded) fromcontaminates in the air while it ismolten. The gasless process uses atubular wire with a flux material inside.The flux creates a shielding gas whenmelted. The MIG process uses inert gasto shield the weld while molten.When current is produced by atransformer (welding machine) andflows through the circuit to the weldwire, an arc is formed between the endof the weld wire and the work piece.This arc melts the wire and the workpiece. The melted metal of the weldwire flows into the molten crater andforms a bond with the work piece asshown (Figure 10).Arc Welding BasicsFive basic techniques affect weldquality. These are: wire selection, heatsetting, weld angle, wire speed, andtravel speed. An understanding ofthese techniques is necessary foreffective welds.HEAT SETTINGThe correct heat involves the adjust-ment of the welding machine to therequired setting. Heat or voltage isregulated by a switch on the welder.Maintenance (Continued)SlagWeld WireFlux(Gaslessonly)Work PieceShieldingGasContactTipCraterNozzleFigure 10 - Weld ComponentsMIGWT5021Figure 9 - NozzleMIG WIRESince MIG wire maintains fair wirediameter consistency, the contact tipused should match the wire size used.When using .024 (.6 mm) wire, use thesmall groove on the drive roller. Whenusing .030 - .035 (.8 - .9 mm) MIG orAluminum wire, use the factory setlarge groove.ALUMINUM WIREWhen using Aluminum wire, it is bestto use a larger size tip than the wiresize being used. For example:• If wire diameter is .030, use .035 tip.When using .030 - .035 (.8 - .9 mm) MIGor Aluminum wire, use the factory setlarge groove. Aluminum wire is veryweak and should not have the sametension on the drive roller as Flux Coreor MIG wire should. When tensioningAluminum wire down to the DriveRoller, turn the tension screw three fullturns or until the Drive Roller begins togrip the wire and feed it through thetorch cable.Call (800) 746-5641for replacement parts.www.campbellhausfeld.com