Chapter 3: System planning Site planningPage 3-14Table 63 PMP/PTP 450 Series wind loading (lb force)Type of ODU Max surface area(square feet)Wind speed (miles per hour)100 105 110 115 120External 60º sectorantenna – 2.4 GHzAP2.9 122 134 147 161 175External 60º sectorantenna – 5 GHz AP0.71 29.8 33 37 39 43External 90º sectorantenna – 5 GHz AP0.89 37 41 45 49 54SM 0.29 12 13 15 16 18Integrated High-Gain, Ruggedized1 42 46 51 56 60Integrated Dish 1.49 63 69 76 83 90Drop cable grounding pointsTo estimate how many grounding kits are required for each drop cable, refer to the site installationdiagrams (Figure 36 , Figure 37 and Figure 38) and use the following criteria: The drop cable shield must be grounded near the ODU at the first point of contact between thedrop cable and the mast, tower or building. The drop cable shield must be grounded at the building entry point.For mast or tower installations (Figure 36), use the following additional criteria: The drop cable shield must be grounded at the bottom of the tower, near the vertical tohorizontal transition point. This ground cable must be bonded to the tower or tower groundbus bar (TGB), if installed. If the tower is greater than 61 m (200 ft ) in height, the drop cable shield must be grounded atthe tower midpoint, and at additional points as necessary to reduce the distance betweenground cables to 61 m (200 ft) or less. In high lightning-prone geographical areas, the drop cable shield must be grounded at spacingbetween 15 to 22 m (50 to 75 ft) . This is especially important on towers taller than 45 m (150 ft).For roof installations (Figure 38), use the following additional criteria: The drop cable shield must be bonded to the building grounding system at its top entry point(usually on the roof). The drop cable shield must be bonded to the building grounding system at the entry point tothe equipment room.