70 SUMMA Networked Audio Production System Remote Control and Production AutomationConfigurationPlease discuss your installationrequirements with your Calrec salesrepresentative or distributor prior todelivery. CSCP connections should beconfigured and tested by, or under theguidance of a Calrec approved engineer.The following points should be notedwhen communicating your requirements:The default Calrec IP addresses are xxx.yyy.1.0 for the primary, and xxx.yyy.2.0for the secondary Control Processorcards. xxx.yyy is unique for each Summa/standalone router processing core andcan be confirmed by running the ProgramUpdater GUI on the support laptop. If thedefault addresses are not suitable, pleasesupply alternative IP addresses and asubnet mask which can be configuredpre-delivery or during commissioning.If required, the Calrec system can beconfigured to connect via an IP gateway.In addition to connecting by IP address,both the Calrec system and the 3rd partyrequire configuring to use the same TCPsocket port. The default TCP socket portfor CSCP is 49200.User&bootupenable/disableOnce configured, CSCP can be enabledor disabled from the touch screeninterface. CSCP settings are not savedas part of the show or user memory andwill therefore not change when differentshows/memories are loaded onto thecontrol surface.