58 SUMMA Networked Audio Production System Connection InformationGPIO CONNECTIONSGPIO cards provide logic inputs andoutputs, which can be assigned tovarious functions from the Summainterface. GPIO allows consolefunctions to trigger external devicese.g. fader starts for playback devices,and for external devices to triggerconsole functions, e.g. auto-fadescontrolled by a video switcher.If GPIO is required, please discuss thiswith your sales person or project engineer.Optional GPIO cards can be fitted inmodular Hydra2 I/O frames, or anyfixed format Hydra2 box with a heightof 2U or greater. Multiple boxes can befitted with GPIO cards to make up therequired quantity of GPIO ports. Thephysical location of I/O boxes within theinstallation should be considered whenchoosing which to fit with GPIO cards.A fixed format I/O box fitted with a GPIOcard has two D25 connectors on therear—female for inputs, male for outputs.GPIO cards for modular frames have asingle D50 connector on the front forboth inputs and outputs. Two versionsof modular card are available, one with 8changeover relay outputs and one with 16normally open relay closures.GPI(inputs)Each GPIO card type has 8 opto-isolatedinputs allowing for remote triggering ofconsole functions. Applying DC or ACvoltage across the positive and negativepins of an input will trigger it. A commonway to trigger a GP input is by providinga dry closure from a relay with no voltageon it. If using a dry closure, it should notsimply be wired across the +/- terminalsof the opto input - one half of the closureshould be connected to a ground on theGPIO card, the other half of the closure toan opto input, and the other input shouldbe linked in the connector hood to aGPIO card +5V pin, as shown below. Thisprevents potential problems in connectingpower between different manufacturers’hardware.GPO(outputs)The fixed format I/O box GPIO card andthe WY5858 modular GPIO card bothhave 8 changeover relays, each withaccess to the normally open, normallyclosed and either common relay pins ornormally open/closed negative pins, toprovide flexibility in use. If required, thesecontacts can be used to switch audio.If being used to trigger externalequipment expecting a ground, the relaycommon should be connected to a groundfrom the external equipment and eitherthe normally open or normally closedcontact used as the trigger line.If a dry closure is required by the externalequipment, this can be achieved by wiringone leg to either the normally open ornormally closed contact and the other legto the common or normally open/closednegative contact.Normally open (NO) contacts short tothe common or negative pin when therelay is activated by the selected function.Normally closed (NC) contacts areshorted to common or negative when thefunction is not active.DryclosureonlyoutputsThe WY5859 version of modular I/O cardprovides the same 8 inputs along with 16dry closure only relay connections, whichshort when activated (NO+ & NO-).Pin-outs for all GPIO card types areshown the on following pages.0V+IN-IN+5VTriggerGP InputExternalClosureCalrec GPIO card+5V(Dry)External wiringGP INPUT WIRING EXAMPLE CHANGEOVER OUTPUT EXAMPLE #1changeover relay(shown inactive)Calrec Fixed FormatGPIO cardExternal wiringComNONCchangeover relay(shown inactive)Calrec modularGPIO WY5858NO-NO+NC+NC-Connect NC-and NO- tomake common• Changeover relay shown wired toprovide a dry closure when activated.For WY5859 treat NO- as commonchangeover relay(shown inactive)Calrec GPIO cardExternal wiringComNONM• Changeover relay shown wired toprovide a ground when activated.The ground can come from a 0V pinin the GPIO card connector itselfas long as the receiving equipmenthas the same ground reference.For WY5858 and WY5859 commonsetup see above.CHANGEOVER OUTPUT EXAMPLE #2