Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9659146) - 2017 - crc - 11/20/15Seats and Restraints 77When Should an AirbagInflate?This vehicle is equipped withairbags. See Airbag System 0 74.Airbags are designed to inflate if theimpact exceeds the specific airbagsystem's deployment threshold.Deployment thresholds are used topredict how severe a crash is likelyto be in time for the airbags toinflate and help restrain theoccupants. The vehicle haselectronic sensors that help theairbag system determine theseverity of the impact. Deploymentthresholds can vary with specificvehicle design.Frontal airbags are designed toinflate in moderate to severe frontalor near frontal crashes to helpreduce the potential for severeinjuries, mainly to the driver's orfront outboard passenger's headand chest.Whether the frontal airbags will orshould inflate is not based primarilyon how fast the vehicle is traveling.It depends on what is hit, thedirection of the impact, and howquickly the vehicle slows down.Frontal airbags may inflate atdifferent crash speeds depending onwhether the vehicle hits an objectstraight on or at an angle, andwhether the object is fixed ormoving, rigid or deformable, narrowor wide.Frontal airbags are not intended toinflate during vehicle rollovers, inrear impacts, or in many sideimpacts.In addition, the vehicle hasadvanced technology frontalairbags. Advanced technologyfrontal airbags adjust the restraintaccording to either crash severity oroccupant interaction.Knee airbags are designed to inflatein moderate to severe frontal ornear frontal impacts. Knee airbagsare not designed to inflate duringvehicle rollovers, in rear impacts,or in many side impacts.Seat-mounted side impact airbagsare designed to inflate in moderateto severe side crashes dependingon the location of the impact.Seat-mounted side impact airbagsare not designed to inflate in frontalimpacts, near frontal impacts,rollovers, or rear impacts.A seat-mounted side impact airbagis designed to inflate on the side ofthe vehicle that is struck.Roof-rail airbags are designed toinflate in moderate to severe sidecrashes depending on the locationof the impact. In addition, theseroof-rail airbags are designed toinflate during a rollover or in asevere frontal impact. Roof-railairbags are not designed to inflate inrear impacts. Both roof-rail airbagswill inflate when either side of thevehicle is struck, if the sensingsystem predicts that the vehicle isabout to roll over on its side, or in asevere frontal impact.In any particular crash, no one cansay whether an airbag should haveinflated simply because of thevehicle damage or repair costs.