Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9659146) - 2017 - crc - 11/20/15126 Instruments and ControlsReadings outside the normaloperating range can also occurwhen a large number of electricalaccessories are operating in thevehicle and the engine is left idlingfor an extended period. Thiscondition is normal since thecharging system is not able toprovide full power at engine idle. Asengine speeds are increased, thiscondition should correct itself ashigher engine speeds allow thecharging system to create maximumpower.The vehicle can only be driven for ashort time with the readings outsidethe normal operating range. If thevehicle must be driven, turn off allaccessories, such as the radio andair conditioner, and unplug allchargers and accessories.Readings outside the normaloperating range indicate a possibleproblem in the electrical system.Have the vehicle serviced as soonas possible.Safety Belt RemindersDriver Safety Belt ReminderLightThere is a driver safety beltreminder light on the instrumentcluster.When the vehicle is started, thislight flashes and a chime may comeon to remind the driver to fastentheir safety belt. Then the light stayson solid until the belt is buckled.This cycle may continue severaltimes if the driver remains orbecomes unbuckled while thevehicle is moving.If the driver safety belt is buckled,neither the light nor the chimecomes on.Passenger Safety BeltReminder LightThere is a passenger safety beltreminder light near the passengerairbag status indicator. SeePassenger Sensing System 0 79.When the vehicle is started, thislight flashes and a chime may comeon to remind passengers to fastentheir safety belt. Then the light stayson solid until the belt is buckled.This cycle continues several times ifthe passenger remains or becomesunbuckled while the vehicle ismoving.If the passenger safety belt isbuckled, neither the chime nor thelight comes on.The front passenger safety beltreminder light and chime may turnon if an object is put on the seatsuch as a briefcase, handbag,