Black plate (63,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-63All Passenger Car Tires MustConform to Federal SafetyRequirements In Addition ToThese Grades.TreadwearThe treadwear grade is acomparative rating based on thewear rate of the tire when testedunder controlled conditions ona specified government testcourse. For example, a tiregraded 150 would wear oneand a half (1½) times as wellon the government course as atire graded 100. The relativeperformance of tires dependsupon the actual conditions oftheir use, however, and maydepart significantly from thenorm due to variations indriving habits, service practicesand differences in roadcharacteristics and climate.Traction – AA, A, B, CThe traction grades, fromhighest to lowest, are AA, A, B,and C. Those grades representthe tire's ability to stop on wetpavement as measured undercontrolled conditions onspecified government testsurfaces of asphalt andconcrete. A tire marked C mayhave poor traction performance.Warning: The traction gradeassigned to this tire is based onstraight-ahead braking tractiontests, and does not includeacceleration, cornering,hydroplaning, or peak tractioncharacteristics.Temperature – A, B, CThe temperature gradesare A (the highest), B, and C,representing the tire's resistanceto the generation of heat andits ability to dissipate heatwhen tested under controlledconditions on a specifiedindoor laboratory test wheel.Sustained high temperature cancause the material of the tire todegenerate and reduce tire life,and excessive temperature canlead to sudden tire failure. Thegrade C corresponds to a levelof performance which allpassenger car tires must meetunder the Federal Motor SafetyStandard No. 109. Grades B andA represent higher levels ofperformance on the laboratorytest wheel than the minimumrequired by law. Warning: Thetemperature grade for this tireis established for a tire that isproperly inflated and notoverloaded. Excessive speed,underinflation, or excessiveloading, either separately or incombination, can cause heatbuildup and possible tire failure.