Black plate (61,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-61{ WARNINGMixing tires of different sizes,brands, or types may cause lossof control of the vehicle, resultingin a crash or other vehicledamage. Use the correct size,brand, and type of tires on allwheels.This vehicle may have a differentsize spare than the road tiresoriginally installed on the vehicle.When new, the vehicle included aspare tire and wheel assemblywith a similar overall diameter asthe road tires and wheels, so it isall right to drive on it. The sparetire was developed for use on thisvehicle and will not affect vehiclehandling.{ WARNINGUsing bias-ply tires on thevehicle may cause the wheelrim flanges to develop cracksafter many miles of driving.A tire and/or wheel could failsuddenly and cause a crash.Use only radial-ply tires withthe wheels on the vehicle.If the vehicle tires must be replacedwith a tire that does not have a TPCSpec number, make sure they arethe same size, load range, speedrating, and construction (radial) asthe original tires.Vehicles that have a tire pressuremonitoring system could give aninaccurate low‐pressure warningif non‐TPC Spec rated tires areinstalled. See Tire Pressure MonitorSystem on page 10‑54.The Tire and Loading Informationlabel indicates the originalequipment tires on the vehicle.See Vehicle Load Limits onpage 9‑15 for the label locationand more information about the Tireand Loading Information label.